Care concepts: the realisation of innovative hospital care and cost concepts, largely based on medical therapies.
Market access: initiating breakthroughs in complex market access situations and costing new (expensive) medicines via field meetings between insurers, professional associations, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.
Commercial strategy: innovative pricing strategies, hospital account management and mid and late-life cycle management for pharmaceutical and medical technology companies.
Health insurance: the (re) positioning of health insurance brands and commercial campaigns.
Healthcare purchasing: developing and implementing purchasing strategies for health insurers, including support during negotiations.
Healthcare dashboards: statistics, process indicators and outcome data to enable the most effective use of care and medicine.
Organisation and governance: restructuring, in/outsourcing, mergers and acquisitions, divestments and governance for healthcare institutions.
Specialisms: TW&A has wide experience in a variety of specialisms including rheumatology, gastroenterology, haematology, neurology, ophthalmology and dermatology.
Interim management
Interim management assignments are characterized by the temporary fulfilment of a line management or expert task in the client’s organization. This may be because someone is absent and needs to be replaced, or because there is a temporary position to be filled. Examples: Achmea, PNO Ziektekosten, MSD, Pfizer, IZZ Zorgverzekeringen, Multizorg VRZ
Transition management / interim executive
Multizorg VRZ
Transition management / interim executive

Multizorg VRZ
Changing the organization’s governance and business model, realizing synergy and collaboration, business development, cases and funding, strategy and governance, health care procurement
Director of business development TNF Care
MSD Nederland B.V.
Director of business development TNF Care

MSD Nederland B.V.
pay-for-performance Remicade (100 mio) incl. ontwikkeling infusie scorecard, pilots Atruim en RdGG en uitrol naar 25 ziekenhuizen.
Improving market access Remicade (TNF-alpha) by developing, testing and implementing an innovative price model (pay-for-performance) and infusion concept for hospitals and clinics.
Senior transaction manager
PNO Ziektekostenverzekering
Senior transaction manager
PNO Ziektekostenverzekering
Selling health care insurer PNO to ONVZ, realizing synergy and collaboration, business development, cases and funding, strategy and governance
Management team member at ACHMEA Zorginkoop

Primary health care procurement plan 2009/10, reorganization, adapting membership of the company’s management team
Realizing synergy and collaboration, business development, cases and funding, strategy and governance
Management team member at IZZ Zorgverzekeringen
VGZ / IZZ Zorgverzekeringen
Management team member at IZZ Zorgverzekeringen
VGZ / IZZ Zorgverzekeringen
Strategy, decoupling UVIT’s front office, setting up a new organization structure, realizing policy sales growth, launching new services
Improving commercial performance, realizing synergy and collaboration, business development, cases and funding, strategy and governance
Associate partner health care insurances
Associate partner health care insurances
Setting up a health care insuring practice: consulting services and interim management, improving commercial performance
Show examples
Breakthrough management
TW&A is specialized in programme management, in which consulting and realization go hand in hand. Analysis is followed by the proposal of a solution and an implementation plan on which the client decides. We then support the implementation. A pilot test is often part of the programme. TW&A’s professionals are often part of the project organization, but they may also take up interim line management positions. Examples: Pfizer, Novartis, Farminform.
Programme mangement commercial breakthrough Specialty Care / Global pilot ESAT Pfizer

commercial breakthrough project innovative pricing Enbrel (160 mio)
Leading a combined Pfizer / Ter Welle & Associés team in developing an innovative contracting agreement for one of Pfizers key products. Successful implementation with pilot hospitals. Coordination with other European country managers within Pfizer. Support of the roll-out: preparing complex negotiations with account managers, assuring the quality of commercial data and building a data dashboard. Finally, we supported Pfizer in assessing the possibilities of adding service propositions.
Program-management repositioning Lucentis
Novartis Farma
Program-management repositioning Lucentis

Novartis Farma
repositioning Lucentis (30 million) because of the inclusion in national directives of the company’s competitor Avastin
Strategy, tactics and system of introducing free physiotherapy pricing

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers
Strategy for introducing DBC funding in psychological health care

GGZ Nederland
Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers
Director of business development TNF Care
MSD Nederland B.V.
Director of business development TNF Care

MSD Nederland B.V.
pay-for-performance Remicade (100 mio) incl. ontwikkeling infusie scorecard, pilots Atruim en RdGG en uitrol naar 25 ziekenhuizen.
Improving market access Remicade (TNF-alpha) by developing, testing and implementing an innovative price model (pay-for-performance) and infusion concept for hospitals and clinics.
Programme management for the extension of intramural and extramural services

Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies, convincing industry lobby
Extending the collaboration for the purposes of health care procurement in order to include VRZ verzekeraars
Multizorg VRZ
Extending the collaboration for the purposes of health care procurement in order to include VRZ verzekeraars

Multizorg VRZ
Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care procurement, health care insurers
Programme management accountability and funding of specialist medicines
Novartis & Pfizer
Programme management accountability and funding of specialist medicines

Novartis & Pfizer
Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies
Senior counselor
Pfizer & Novartis
Senior counselor

Pfizer & Novartis
Developing an approach and commitment to a decentralised organisation for costing specialist drugs in cooperation with professional associations, healthcare insurance companies and hospitals.
Process manager sectoral agreements Imnovid (pomalidomide)

Process management and consultancy for the Round Table Discussion between participants HOVON, Celgene, Achmea, Menzis, Multizorg VRZ, CZ, VGZ and hospitals. The aim is to achieve consensus between parties about the costing of new (and expensive) medicine by means of a test case involving Imnovid.
Ext. project director advanced parkinson breakthrough

Development and pilot testing of a regional care concept for advanced parkinson patients in cooperation with hospitals and nursing homes. Ambition: reducing undertreatment and improving outcome at affordable costs for a ‘underexposed’ patient group.
Show examples
TW&A has much experience in tactical and strategic consulting, for we have all worked for well-established consulting firms such as KPMG and Boer & Croon. Our assignments focus on providing advice on complex issues in organization and governance, sales and marketing, outsourcing, financial performance, health care procurement etc.
Advice on the improvement of the commercial position of Pico (complex wound therapy / negative pressure therapy)
Advice on the improvement of the commercial position of Pico (complex wound therapy / negative pressure therapy)

Advice on an effective commercial approach for new line of products in complex wound therapy
Responsible health care liberalization, convincing industry lobby, Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies
Strategic scenario analysis, assessing five-year plans
RvB/RvT Parnassia
Strategic scenario analysis, assessing five-year plans

RvB/RvT Parnassia
Strategy & governance, health care providers
Analysis of the potential for market liberalization in seven paramedic professions.

Analysis of the potential for market liberalization in seven paramedic professions: physiotherapy, dentistry, speech therapy, occupational therapy, obstetrics, maternity care, psychology.
Providing a view on specialization strategies for hospitals

Responsible health care liberalization, authorities, health care providers
IBO report ‘Concentratie en samenwerking in de gezondheidszorg’
Ministeries of General Affairs, Finance, Health Care and Scienc; College voor Zorgverzekeringen, RVZ, ZONMw
IBO report ‘Concentratie en samenwerking in de gezondheidszorg’

Ministeries of General Affairs, Finance, Health Care and Scienc; College voor Zorgverzekeringen, RVZ, ZONMw
Responsible health care liberalization, achieving synergy and collaboration, authorities
Annual evaluation of pharmaceutics procurement by health care insurers

Responsible health care liberalization, health care procurement, authorities, pharmaceutics and life sciences companies, health care insurers
Position paper on corporate governance in health care
NVZ, Actiz, VGN, GGZ Nederland
Position paper on corporate governance in health care
NVZ, Actiz, VGN, GGZ Nederland
Strategy & governance, interest groups, health care providers
Strategic reorientation on the future
Slotervaart Ziekenhuis
Strategic reorientation on the future

Slotervaart Ziekenhuis
Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care providers
Business plan for a nation-wide evaluation of the distribution of expensive medicines

assignment type: business development, cases and funding, responsible health care liberalization, convincing industry lobby, health care procurement, pharmaceutics and life sciences companies, authorities and their institutes
The effects of scaling up in psychological health care

Responsible health care liberalization, achieving synergy and collaboration, authorities, health care providers
Second opinion on BCG report on bonuses and pharmaceutics discounts
Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, pharmaceutics and life sciences companies
Outlook and lobby approach for independent psychiatrists

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers
Strategy, tactics and system of introducing free physiotherapy pricing

Convincing industry lobby, interest groups, health care providers
Feasibility of clustering the legal support provided by patient interest groups

CG Raad
Interest groups, health care providers
Developing the Medicijnwijzer.nl website
patientenorganisatie in de GGZ
Supporting a British venture capital fund in finding investment opportunities in the Netherlands
Supporting a British venture capital fund in finding investment opportunities in the Netherlands

Business development, cases and funding, health care providers
Business case of a merger between a general insurer and a health care insurer
Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care insurers
Measurement instrument for health care insurers and the health care industry

Interest groups
Extending the collaboration for the purposes of health care procurement in order to include VRZ verzekeraars
Multizorg VRZ
Extending the collaboration for the purposes of health care procurement in order to include VRZ verzekeraars

Multizorg VRZ
Achieving synergy and collaboration, health care procurement, health care insurers
Business case pharmaceutics procurement
Business case pharmaceutics procurement

consulting business development, cases and funding, health care procurement sector: health care insurers, pharmaceutics and life sciences companies
Economic impact of health care procurement influenced by market liberalization

consulting cases and funding, health care procurement
Show examples