Health care providers
TW&A works with primary and secondary health care providers, both in ‘cure’ and in ‘care’, and with individual organizations as well as with sets of industry partners. We also work... Read more
Health care providers
TW&A works with primary and secondary health care providers, both in ‘cure’ and in ‘care’, and with individual organizations as well as with sets of industry partners. We also work for industry associations, authorities and patient associations, all in order to achieve better-quality, affordable health care.
Atrium MC, Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis, Slotervaart Ziekenhuis, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Parnassia Bavo, MC De Veluwe.
Health care in the Netherlands is highly regulated. TW&A knows the rules and regulations, as well as the industry’s parties, from our work for many of the organizations involved. Clients Ministerie... Read more
Health care in the Netherlands is highly regulated. TW&A knows the rules and regulations, as well as the industry’s parties, from our work for many of the organizations involved.
Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, Ministerie van Financiën, Ministerie van VWS, Zorginstituut Nederland, RVZ, ZONMw
×Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies
Our clients in this field are pharmaceutics and bio-pharmaceutics companies, wholesalers, pharmacy chains and med-tech companies. We also support policy making authorities and associations of health... Read more
Pharmaceutics and life sciences companies
Our clients in this field are pharmaceutics and bio-pharmaceutics companies, wholesalers, pharmacy chains and med-tech companies. We also support policy making authorities and associations of health care stakeholders.
Pfizer, AbbVie, Celgene, MSD, Novartis, Mediq, Lloyds Apotheken, Smith & Nephew, Farminform, KNMP, Governmental bodies.
×Interest groups
In complex issues such as health care many frequently contradictory interests meet. TW&A supports individual interest groups but brings them together too in order for them to pool their interests... Read more
Interest groups
In complex issues such as health care many frequently contradictory interests meet. TW&A supports individual interest groups but brings them together too in order for them to pool their interests and efforts.
These include interest groups representing health care providers (NVZ, GGZ Nederland, Actiz, KNGF etc), the medical profession (OMS, KNMP, specialist associations), health care insurers (ZN, Verbond van Verzekeraars) and patients too (NPCF, RPCP’s, Consumentenbond, Ieder(in), CCUVN).
×Health care insurers
TW&A has contributed to the formulation of the new Dutch health care insurance law (Zorgverzekeringswet) and provides support for health care procurement optimization, the improvement of commercial... Read more
Health care insurers
TW&A has contributed to the formulation of the new Dutch health care insurance law (Zorgverzekeringswet) and provides support for health care procurement optimization, the improvement of commercial positions and the consequent adaptation of internal organizations and governance. Health care insurers as well as policy making authorities are among our clients.
Achmea Zorgverzekeringen, VGZ, PNO Ziektekosten, Multizorg VRZ (ONVZ, ASR, Zorg en Zekerheid, ENO), Ministerie van VWS, Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, Zorginstituut Nederland